
  • Adilah Mahmud IAIN Palopo


This research was initiated against the backdrop by the development of global trade he who does not have fast paced growth can be that give rise to conflict between the business communities .This has happened because of business communities very an ardent receive profit through whatever means and also o only a matter of time , without considering more about that honesty , that which is lawful and an already dire humanitarian . Of the fire because of the economic system a capitalist who dominated up to that moment the world now this is far from a norm the religion of , then came up with the name the new thinking sources depending on which one the teachings of islam as an economic system come up with an alternative , where is the norm of the religion of ( al-qur’an and hadith ) is laying bare the foundation even the footing. Research library research is the data they primernya al-misbah m work.Benar-benar shihab, technique data processing and use qualitative data analysis, step and engineering and data analysis and try describe, gather and outlines al-tijarah shihab benar-benar interpretation about the signs.

The method used is exgesical of thematic ( maudhu’i), descriptive and analytical in nature but the work did not follow the work and thematic rigidly.The concept of meaning at-tijarah al-mishbah, and have the subject , object the purpose and a different context one with others, but just in terms of logic reflect the mutual relations and the law in an act of, just like a business or trade with the risk and reward.There are three business model ( tijarah al-mishbah, ) in first, not a business relation man neighbor (context is material-kuantitatif) is this Both, our business relationships. allah People are religious context is immaterial-kualitatif. Third, not god. business relationships To the people and includes among men and a business context ( spritualitas ) namely is material-kuantitatif and immaterial-kualitatif.


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