
  • Mujetaba Mustafa UIN Alauddin Makassar


Mahabbah is an arabic word derived from the verb habba-yuhibbu-mahabbatan, the meaning is loving deeply, love or deep love. Mahabbah is defined as the total inclination of the heart to something, attention to it exceeds the attention to oneself, soul and wealth. Mahabbah can also  mean self-attitude that appears as evidence of love for the Substance of the Owner of All Majesty and inwardness, following His commands and avoiding His prohibitions. With terms that point to the meaning of the Mahabbah in the Qur'an, it is understood that the Mahabbah is not merely an expression of praise to the loved one, but manifested in the form of attitudes and noble characteristics in the form of self-attitude, social attitude, and character that invites the love of God. Mahabbah or true love is a sense of love that empties into the owner of the majesty of God Almighty. Love for anything will be false if it is not framed with love for Him.


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