
  • Mubassyirah Bakri IAIN Palopo


This reality that it cannot be denied that the problem of the soul is one of the secrets and mysteries of the lord and he is in the soul of his servant, he be absent to be mysteries who have not been solved yet together in perfect order, but giving rise to a lot of arguments. For that reason it is, of the study of the lost souls are men who are a thing that i think very urgent change in your sight to do .Of the principal amount of of discussion to be addressed in writing of this is of a study jointly conducted openly critical of islamic ideas to the community of the lost souls (al-nafs) in philosophy of islam, where will be discussed as to the meaning of the soul and its relation to it is the spirit of, conception quran of the lost souls, and the views of muslim philosopher of the lost souls . Said al-nafs sometimes spirit, and and not with and, this indicates that al-nafs (soul of derived spirit from). Spirit is the nucleus and soul is part spirit from.According to muslim philosopher, spiritual as lives are substance form for the body. Unity is the soul with the unity in accident, where them stands alone and have different susbtansi, so the body still not bring perish in soul. Soul alive will taste of torment or suffering.


Al-Qur’an al-Karim

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