
  • Desti Aprilia Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palopo, Indonesia



Kata Kunci:

Pengosongan Kolom Agama, KTP, Penganut Aliran Kepercayaan, Maqshid Syariah


This study aims to achieve two primary objectives: to examine the Constitutional Court's Decision No. 97/PUU-XIV/2016 regarding the removal of the religion column on Electronic ID cards for individuals adhering to indigenous beliefs, and to analyze the decision through the lens of Maqashid Sharia (objectives of Islamic law). The research adopts a library research methodology with a qualitative approach to provide a comprehensive overview of the Constitutional Court's ruling and a subsequent Maqashid Sharia review. The findings reveal that the Constitutional Court fully granted the petitioners' request, basing its decision on Article 29(2) of the 1945 Constitution, which addresses freedom of religion, and Article 28E(1) and (2), which concern human rights. These articles distinguish between religion and belief, yet both are equally acknowledged and protected under the Constitution. The Court's decision aligns with the Maqashid Sharia principles, particularly the protection of religion (Hifdz Ad-din) and the principle of public welfare (Maslahah). This alignment underscores the decision’s accordance with Islamic legal principles, emphasizing both the protection of religious freedom and the well-being of individuals who follow indigenous beliefs.


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Cara Mengutip

Aprilia, D. (2023). TINJAUAN MAQASHID SYARIAH TERHADAP KOLOM AGAMA PADA KTP PENGANUT ALIRAN KEPERCAYAAN (STUDI PUTUSAN MAHKAMAH KONSTITUSI NO. 97/PUU-XIV/2016). Datuk Sulaiman Law Review (DaLRev), 4(2), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.24256/dalrev.v4i2.4317

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