Upaya Pelaku UMKM Mempertahankan Bisnis di Masa Pandemi Covid-19


  • Sulehani Sulehani Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palopo, Indonesia




This study aims to determine the implementation of Mas Kuning-Kuning market segmentation during the pandemic and to find out the Mas Kuning-Kuning market segmentation strategy during the Pandemic. The type of survey used in this survey is a qualitative descriptive method. A qualitative method is a research method that uses a natural data collection system to interpret the phenomena that occur when the researcher is the main tool. Sampling of permanent sources, combining sources from populations and collection techniques, information analysis tends to be descriptive and uses qualitative analysis, and the results of qualitative analysis are more meaningful than generalizations. Emphasize. Data collection technology through activities: documentation, interviews, observation. The data processing and analysis techniques that will be used in this study are started by collecting data, reducing data, presenting data and drawing conclusions. The results obtained from the research show that the implementation of market segmentation was carried out by Mas Kuning-Kuning where he divided consumers into 4 types of market segmentation. Where the 4 types of segmentation are behavioral segmentation, psychographic segmentation, demographic segmentation and geographic segmentation. The market segments chosen by Mas Kuning-Kuning during the Covid-19 pandemic were behavioral segmentation, psychographic segmentation, demographic segmentation and geographical segmentation. Of the four segments that are most focused on are geographic segmentation and behavioral segmentation. Consideration of choosing geographic and behavioral segmentation due to the pandemic.


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