
  • Rum Muhammad STKIP – Pembangunan Indonesia Makassar




This research aimed at analyzing the kinds of Adjacency Pairs and their function used by a teacher and the students in the classroom. This research employed a descriptive research method with non-participants observer. The sample of this research was teacher and students of ELC Education Makassar. The data collected through the use of audio recording and then it was transcribed to be analyzed. The study shows that there are five types of Adjacency Pairs found in the teaching process. First, degreeting – degreeting pair which functions as an agreement to discontinue the certain conversation. Second, the reasearcher encountered a greeting – greeting pair which also a pair that has similar function as the previous pair, an agreement to discontinue the certain conversation. Furthermore, a question – refusal pair is also found in this research. It functions as questioning and refusing utterance where there is a questions and then it follows with a refusal. Then, an offer – refusal pair can be found during the classroom interaction where there is an offer and the other speaker accepts the related utterance. The last pair is a question – answer pair which also occurs in this reasearch. It functions as questioning and answering to the related remark.

Author Biography

Rum Muhammad, STKIP – Pembangunan Indonesia Makassar



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