Metode Dakwah, Era GlobalisasiAbstract
It is not easy to find a proper da’wah in the context of spaciotemporal. The difficulties to determine the style of da’wah are influenced by the complexity of society in the modern age. This of course leads the preacher (da’i) to adjust and confirm the methods of da’wah in the modern and global context. These methods are these various methods are, da’wah bil Kitabah (writing da’wah) through book, magazine, letter, newspaper, and drawing. Second, da’wah bil lisan (oral da’wah) such as preaching, seminar, symposium, discussion, Khutbah, brain storming, roundtable discussion, chating, etc. Third, da’wah bi al-Hal (Action da’wah), this type represent in behavioral conduct, such as saving natural and social environments.Â
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