Mujetaba Mustafa


Every muslim has responsibility to call to the way of god.Something of the bore bias on a implementationThe fact, a group of moslems mendakwahkan, s very hard as if, tolerance did not know while others mendakwahkan. very tolerantQuestions immediately come from the moslems namely whether the islamic talk he wants, may only have panduannya?. In answer to that question , a study in the papers are considered important to understand guidelines in qs son .Al-nahl: 125 .The interpretation explained that the population comprehensible of verse was also contains affirmation of the importance of the method and system population .For that reason , experts are explained that method or manner of advocated in mendakwahkan islam is wise , mauidzah hasanah ( teaching ) good , mujadalah hasanah (good discussions) and qudwah hasanah (good exemplary) .  


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Taufik, Tata, Muhhamad, Manajemen Dakwah Di Era Global, Sebuah Pendekatan Metodologi, (Jakarta: CV. Fauzan Inti Kreasi, 2004)

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