Pola Komunikasi Interpersonal dan Bahasa Cinta dalam Membangun Hubungan antara Guru dan Murid di RA Al-Muttahidah Dumai


  • Yerniwilis Yerniwilis RA AL-Muttahidah Dumai, Indonesia
  • Suandara Pratiwi Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia




Communication is something that important in everyday life, including in the world of education. In
order to build a good relationship between teachers and students, interpersonal
communication is an effective method, as is also the case in the education of
kindergarten/RA children. Apart from communication, love language can also build
warmer and more harmonious relationships, considering that kindergarten/RA age is
classified as the golden age, which is the best time to stimulate children's growth and
development. The aim of this research is to determine the communication patterns and love
language used by RA AL-Mutthidah teachers in building relationships with their students.
This research uses descriptive qualitative research with in-depth interviews and
observations. The results of this research are that the communication pattern used by
teacher RA AL-Muttahidah is an authoritative pattern which tends to avoid anxiety and
chaos so that it prioritizes harmony and two-way activity, while the love language used
follows the habits and parenting patterns of each student as obtained from the results.
assessment and in-depth observations carried out by teachers on students.
Keywords: Love Language, Relationships, Interpersonal Communication


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