
  • Liunokas Yanpitherszon Nusa Cendana University, Kupang NTT, Indonesia



Competence, Narrative Text


This research aimed at describing the  competence of students in understanding narrative reading text at SMAN 1 Soe Kabupaten Timur Tengah Selatan (TTS) NTT. This research used descriptive research method.  The population of this research is first class of SMAN 1 Soe Kabupaten Timur Tengah Selatan (TTS) NTT in academic year 2014/2015. The total number of population is 142 students in four classes.  The researcher  used random sampling technique. There were  20 students  as sample of the research .  The writer took 5 students from each class. It used reading test as instrument. The result of the research shows that Based on the students’ score in reading narrative text, most of them have low competence in answering the question of narrative text.  It is proved by mean students’ means score in poor classification, namely 49.3.  Based on student’ answers in the text, it can be seen that there are some students’ difficulties in reading narrative text, such as they can’t comprehend the part and contents of narrative.


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