Increasing the students’ speaking ability in giving suggestions and advice by the using of "whip around" strategy


  • Atalisi Zalukhu Universitas HKBP Nommensen Medan, Indonesia
  • Mitra Gusmeni Hia Universitas HKBP Nommensen Medan, Indonesia



Speaking Ability, Suggestion, Advice, Whip Around Strategy


Speaking is the ability to convey information or expressing to convey everything in their mind orally. Therefore, it is important for students to master speaking in their daily life because through speaking students can express their ideas, feelings, opinions, and knowledge. There were some problems faced by the students in speaking in Second grade of SMP ADHYAKSA namely: the students lacked vocabularies, and the students are not able to deliver their suggestion and advice. Therefore, to overcome the problems, the researcher conducted this research by using “Whip Around†Strategy in second grade of SMP ADHYAKSA. The purpose of the research is to increase the students’ ability in speaking by using whip around Strategy at the second grade of SMP adhyaksa. To achieve the purpose, the researcher conducted CAR Method. The result of the data in Cycle I showed the average of students’ value was 60, the maximum score was 78 and the minimum score was 41. While in Cycle II 20 students (100%), the student got the maximum score was 83 and the minimum score was 75. From the result o the research, it can be concluded that “Whip Around†Strategy increases the students’ speaking ability in second grade of SMP adhyaksa. Finally, the researcher suggested all English teacher to use this strategy in teaching speaking skill because “Whip Around†Strategy is effective to increase the students’ ability in speaking. “Whip Around†Strategy encourages the students’ to express their suggestion and advice orally and engaged the student high motivation during the teaching and learning process.



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