This thesis attempts to explain the influence of sales promotion (X) on student buying interest (Y). and explain How is the Islamic view of buying and selling greetings, especially in the promotion of sales of women's clothing through BBM online-shop. The type of research used is field research (field research) with quantitative and qualitative approaches. As for data collection techniques, the emphasis is on observation and questionnaires. The population in this study were students of Sharia Economics at IAIN Palopo. 75 samples were obtained. The analysis technique used is the validity test reliability test, simple regression analysis, and hypothesis testing with the coefficient of determination and t test with the help of SPSS software for Windows version 20. Based on the results of data analysis it is known that the magnitude of the effect of sales promotion on buying interest is 0.501 with correlation ( r) of 0.379 while the determination coefficient is 0.143, which means the contribution of sales promotion variables to buying interest is 14.3%. The significant influence of sales promotion variables on student buying interest can be seen from the tcount of 3.496. From the simple linear regression analysis results obtained that the effect of sales promotion of women's clothing in the Blackberry Messenger group affects the buying interest of female students of Islamic Economics in IAIN Palopo where the value of t> t-table (3.496 <1.66) then ho is accepted that there is an influence between sales promotion with buying interest.
Keywords: Sales Promotion; Purchase Interest; Islamic law perspective
 Skripsi ini berupaya  mmenjelaskan besarnya penngaruh promosi penjualan (X) terhadap  minat beli mahasisiwi (Y). dan menjelaskan Bagaimana pandangan islam tentang jual beli salam khususnya pada promosi pejualan pakaian wanita melalui online-shop BBM. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitiian lapangan (field risearch) dengan pendekatan kuantitaif dan kualitatif. Sedangkan untuk tekhnik pengumpulan data ditekankan pada observasi dan kuesioner. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswi Ekonomi Syaria’ah di IAIN Palopo. Diperoleh sampel jumlah 75 orang. Tekhnik analisis yang digunakan adalah uji validitas uji reabilitas, analisis regresi sederhana, dan pengujian hipotesis dengan koefisisen determinasi dan uji t dengan bantuan  software  SPSS  for  windows  versi  20.  Berdasarkan hasil  analisis  data  diketahui  bahwa  besarnya pengaruh promosi penjualan terhadap minat beli adalah 0,501 dengan korelasi (r) sebesar 0,379 sedangkan koefisien determinasinya  adalah 0,143, yang berarti kontribusi variabel promosi penjualan terhadap minat beli sebesar 14,3%. Pengaruh signifikan dari  variabel promosi penjualan terhadap minat beli  mahasiswi dapat diketahui dari  nilai  thitung  sebesar 3,496.  Dari  hasil  analisi regresi linear  sederhana diperoleh hasil  bahwa pengaruh promosi penjualan pakaian wanita di group blackberry messenger  berpengaruh terhadap minat beli mahasiswi Ekonomi Syariah di IAIN Palopo diaman  Nilai t hitung > t-tabel (3,496 < 1,66)  maka ho diterima yaitu ada pengaruh antara promosi penjualan dengan minat beli.
Kata Kunci : Promosi Penjulan; Minat Beli; Perspektif Hukum Islam
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