Analysis The Strategy In Improving Students Reading Comprehension of “ Content Area Reading and Learning” English Book


  • Evawati Nainggola English Language Study Program Faculty Of Teacher Training And Education Universitas Prima Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Rebekka Basa Natalia Samosir English Language Study Program Faculty Of Teacher Training And Education Universitas Prima Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Ester Riska Sianturi English Language Study Program Faculty Of Teacher Training And Education Universitas Prima Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Erikson Saragih English Language Study Program Faculty Of Teacher Training And Education Universitas Prima Indonesia, Indonesia



Reading, Strategy, English Book, Content Area Reading and Learning


This research is intended to know whether the teaching and learning process of reading comprehension using the Content Area Reading and Learning English Book helps to develop students' understanding and people who want to master English language skills, one of which is reading, in overcoming reading comprehension problems using reading books will increase  structure or strategy.  This research uses qualitative methods. The writing of this scientific paper aims to find out what strategies are used in developing students' skills or abilities, as well as those who want to master the English reading skills which are the basis of English before reaching writing and speaking, and according to the application in the Content Area Reading and Learning English Book, and the results of the research strategy used in learning to read are small group teams towards clearly articulated goals.



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