Speech Acts Equivalence of Audiovisual Translation on Enola Holmes Netflix Movie Subtitle


  • Violita Violita Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
  • Hayatul Cholsy Gadjah Mada University




Audiovisual Translation, Speech Act Equivalence, Subtitle, Movie


This research discusses the speech act equivalence involves in audiovisual translation of English-Indonesian subtitle on Enola Holmes Netflix movie. Since pragmatic equivalence is consider as to be the suitable one to be analyzed in Audiovisual Translation (AVT), this research look closely in case of translating the subtitle especially the movie with genre of adventure and mystery. This audiovisual translation research employs qualitative descriptive with the research design of content analysis. Also, there is involvement of analysis contrastive to be able to figure out the speech act equivalency. The data is taken from the subtitle Netflix movie of Enola Holmes. According to the result of this research, it shows some circumstances firstly the ST that is translated equivalent according to the speech act type can present the message equivalent with the context of the story. Secondly, the translation that cannot reach the speech act equivalency is less able to bring the context of the story into the TT translation. In addition, the implication exists in utterances present in ST can be conveyed in the TT if the speech act equivalency is achieved. Otherwise, there are also found that implication which exists in utterances present in ST cannot be portrayed in TT if the speech act equivalency cannot be achieved.

Author Biography

Hayatul Cholsy, Gadjah Mada University

Lecturer, Languages and Linguistics Department, Faculty of Cultural Science, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.


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