About the Journal

Journal of Communication and Media is a forum for scientific publications in the field of communication and media, both theoretically and applied. This journal will be published twice a year, in June and December.

The scope of this journal includes Mass Media Studies, Social Media, Advertising, Memes, Journalism, Political Communication, Public Opinion, Intercultural Communication, Communication and Conflict Management, Media Culture, Gender and Media, etc.

Journal Information

    Journal Name :  Journal of Communication and Media 
    Initials :  KOMEDIA
     e-ISSN :  2964-1578
    Frequency :  June & December
    Editor-in-chief :  Wahyuni Husain
    Publisher :  LP2M IAIN Palopo

Before make a submission

Manuscripts must be original, unpublished, and not being considered for publication elsewhere at the time of submission to KOMEDIA. The author must ensure that the submitted manuscript has been prepared using the KOMEDIA Template. Manuscripts must also have been corrected with a similarity check (similarity check or Turnitin). Reference writing must use citation manager tools such as Mendeley, Zotero, EndNote, Ref-Works, Bib-Text, etc. Any manuscript that does not meet the author's guidelines, focus, and scope, that is written in a different format, and does not meet the administrative requirements will be immediately rejected. The only manuscript that meets KOMEDIA standards will be further processed.



Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal of Communication and Media
Published: 2024-02-27


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