Brand Image Strategy to Attract Consumers' Interest in Buying Tuuk Tea


  • Muh. Fadli Fauzi Sahlan
  • Andini Taufik


Purpose: This study discusses the brand image development strategy to attract consumers to buy Tuuk Tea in Palopo. This study aims to determine the strategy used by Tuuk Tea in developing its brand image to attract consumer buying interest. Design/methodology/approach: This type of research uses qualitative data analysis techniques using SWOT analysis. Findings: The results of this study were concluded: The SWOT analysis used by Tuuk Tea is based on the results of IFAS and EFAS analysis that Tuuk Tea's internal and external conditions are in quadrant I, this shows that Tuuk Tea is in a very favorable condition because it has strength so that it can achieve several existing opportunities, so that it is possible to continue to expand, increase growth, and achieve maximum progress. In this position, in order to develop Tuuk Tea, the strategic priority is to maintain the company's image, maximize social media as a promotional medium, conduct regular customer satisfaction surveys and improve relationships with consumers through CRM (Customer Relationship Management). Originality:The originality and renewal in this study is research on human resource management especially in brand image and marketing. Research limitations/implications:The implication in this study is that brand image are an important component in the marketing management, and needs a future research to elaborate and analysis variables  in structurtural relationship analysis.  Practical & Social implications:The practical implications of this study are as suggestions and information to the company in developing brand image.


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