
  • firmansyah firmasnyah IAIN Palopo, Indonesia



Principal Managerial Skill, Teacher Performance, Educato Quality


The aims of this research are to determine the effect of principls’ managerial skills on the quality of education, to know the effect of teacher performance on education quality, and to know the influence of principals’ managerial skills and teacher performance on the quality of education. This research is quantitative with ex-post facto by descriptive-quantitatif characteristic. The population are 67 people with saturated sampling technique. Data processing begins with a validity test and reliability test of the research instrument is obtained using SPSS. The analisys of prerequisite test included normality, homogeneity test and linierity test. The final analysis (hypothesis testing) using statistical multiple regression analysis Y=α + βX1 + βX2 as a predictor in determining the magnitude of fungsional relationship between variables X1 and X2 with variable Y. Hyphothesis test using SPSS program assistance. The results of hypothesis testing indicate that the influence of principals’ managerial skills and teacher performance on education quality is 36.2%. It means that 36.2% of principals’ managerial skill (X1) and teacher’s performance (X2) influence the education quality variable (Y) through a linier relationship Y=29.480+0.058+0.475. therefore there is influence of principals’ managerial skills and teacher’s performance on the quality of education at MTs Negeri Palopo.


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