
  • Diana Diana Pascasarjana IAIN Palopo, Indonesia
  • Misran Misran IAIN Palopo, Indonesia



Communication, Management, Education


This study aims to describe the structure of communication in school organizations and the role of communication in educational management. This research is a library research where the theory is taken from literature data which is then studied and analyzed in order to obtain a conception to obtain objective results. The results show there are several forms of communication structures in school organizations. There aresome kinds of communication in organization namely formal communication, non-formal communication, informal communication, technical communication and procedural communication.  The communication structures in school organizations are downward communication, upward communication, horizontal communication, and diagonal communication. The role of communication in education management is communication as a source of educational information, communication as a controller and coordination, communication as planning and achieving goals, and communication as an effort to increase motivation.


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