Focus and Scope

Al Amwal publishes articles on Islamic Economic Law (Shariah), which includes literature studies (Normative) and field work (Empirical). The journal emphasizes aspects related to the study of Islamic Economic Law (Shariah). Al Amwal always places Islamic Economic Law as the main focus of academic inquiry, and invites comprehensive observation of the expression of Islamic Economic Law (Shariah). This journal functions as a forum for the study of Islamic Economic Law (Shariah). For more specifics, refer to the Focus and Scope based research roadmap

1. Law and Society

2. Study of the MUI DSN Fatwa / International Ulema Council

3. Business Competition Law/Fiqh Competition Law

4. Zakat and Waqf (ZISWAF) and Islamic Philanthropy

5. Halal Studies Policy / Halal Issues

6. Fiqh of Property (Muamalah Maliyah) contemporary issues

7. Legal Aspects of Sharia Financial Institutions

8. Sharia Capital Market Investment Policy

9. Sharia Legal Audit