Author Guidelines

The AL IBRAH Journal, a multilingual and peer-reviewed publication, has been released twice annually since 2018. Specializing in Arabic Language Education studies, it publishes articles in Bahasa, English, and Arabic. The journal aims to deepen readers' understanding of the history and current developments in Arabic education by featuring articles, research reports, and book reviews. It invites contributions from scholars and experts across all disciplines of Arabic Education. Submissions must be original, research-based, unpublished, and not under consideration elsewhere. Each paper undergoes a rigorous review process by the editors, the editorial board, and blind reviewers. Articles that do not meet the formatting or length guidelines will be rejected without review.

Submissions should be written in Bahasa, English, or Arabic, and range from 5,000 to 7,000 words, encompassing text, tables, figures, notes, references, and appendices. Each submission must include an abstract of 170-225 words and three keywords. Quotations, passages, and terms in local or foreign languages should be translated into Bahasa, English, or Arabic. All citations should appear in the text, following the specified bibliographical style.

The manuscript should contain the following section in this order:


Title of articles in English should describe the main content of manuscripts, be informative, concise, and not too wordy (12-15 words only), and does not contain formulas.

The author’s name

Full name without academic degrees and titles, written in capital letters. Manuscript written by groups needs to supplemented by complete contact details.

Name of affiliation for each author

The author name should be accompanied by complete affiliation address, postal code number, telephone number and email address.


Written briefly in English and Indonesian in one paragraph of 150-300 words, containing background, research objectives, methodology, results, conclusion of the study and your research contributions to science. check Template for detail.


Written in English 3-5 words or groups of words, written alphabetically.


Explaining the background, problems, importance of research, brief literature review that relates directly to research or previous findings that need to be developed, and ended with a paragraph of research purposes. A balance must be kept between the pure and applied aspects of the subject.The introduction is presented in the form of paragraphs of approximately 1000 words.

Literature Review (Opsional)

Authors are allowed to add literature review sub-chapters if needed, but not mandatory

Research Method

Make sure that work can be repeated according to the details provided. It contains technical information of the study presented clearly. Therefore, readers can conduct research based on the techniques presented. Materials and equipment specifications are necessary. Approaches or procedures of study together with data analysis methods must be presented.

Results and Discussion

This section consists of the results of research and how they are discussed. The results obtained from research must be supported by adequate data. The results of the study must be the answers to the problem and the research objectives stated earlier in the introduction.

In the discussion must contain: 1. Whether the data research results have been analyzed (not raw data). Can be presented with tables or figures other than verbal presentation to clarify. This section usually answers the question what and how?

2. Does the author provide a scientific interpretation for each of the results or findings the author presents (why)?

3. Are the results of the study consistent with what was reported by other researchers (what else)? Or is there a difference?

Results and Discussion are capitalized, spaced 1 space apart and bolded. If you use supporting tools, simplify the tables and use open tables, and map images are more focused on the object under study and not too large file size and complicated (sought in JPG format); tables and figures are numbered sequentially. Do not use location when referring to Figures or Tables, for example: "... presented in Figure 1 below." But simply "... presented in Figure 1." or "...... (Figure 1)."

The use of subtitles in the discussion in accordance with the purposes of the discussion. Example:

Sub Chapter

              Sub Chapter 1

              Sub Chapter 2

              Sub Chapter 3

Sub Chapter 2

Sub Chapter 3


Conclusions should be answers to research questions, and not expressed in statistical sentences. The explanation is in the form of flowing paragraphs which contain links between one content and another. Use terms that have substantive meaning in the field of science and avoid statistical / methodological technical termsConclusions should be answers to research questions, and not expressed in statistical sentences. The explanation is in the form of flowing paragraphs which contain links between one content and another. Use terms that have substantive meaning in the field of science and avoid statistical / methodological technical terms


Manuscripts are written by using standard citation application (Mendeley). APA ( American Psychological Association) reference style is required. Citing an article written by two authors, both of authors should be mentioned, however, for three and more authors only the first author is mentioned followed by et al., for example:

Rahayu & Sudarsono (2015),

Subekti et al. (2014).

A series of references should be presented in ascending date order (Retnoningsih et al., 2005; Indriyanti et al., 2007; Rahayuningsih, 2010).

and for reference

Badan Pusat Statistik. (1990-2015) .Produk Domestik Bruto Indonesia Menurut Lapangan Usaha. Jakarta.

Culliney, M. (2014). Going nowhere? rural youth labour market opportunities and obstacles. 

Daly, M. (2011). What adult worker model?: A critical look at recent social policy reform in europe from a gender and family perspective. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State and Society, 18(1), 1-23. doi:10.1093/sp/jxr002

Del Carpio, X., Nguyen, H., Pabon, L., & Wang, L. C. (2015). Do minimum wages affect employment? evidence from the manufacturing sector in indonesia. IZA Journal of Labor & 

Deng, Q. (2018). The impact of minimum wage increases on employment in the U.S. between 1994 and 2016 Development, 4(1), 1-30. doi:10.1186/s40175- 015-0040-8

Dhanani, S. (2004), “Unemployment and underemployment in Indonesia, 1976-2000:Paradoxes and issues”, working paper, ILO, Jakarta.

Dickens, R., Machin, S., & Manning, A. (1999). The effects of minimum wages on employment: Theory and evidence from Britain. Journal of Labor Economics, 17(1), 1-22.

Dobkin, C., & Ferreira, F. (2010). Do school entry laws affect educational attainment and labor market outcomes?. Economics of education review, 29(1), 40-54.

Eaton, A. E., Schurman, S. J., & Chen, M. A. (2017). Informal workers and collective action: A global perspective

Mankiw, N. Gregory. (2007). Makroekonomi. Edisi Ke-6. Jakarta: Erlangga

Mankiw, NGregory. (2006). Teori Makroekonomi Edisi Ke-6. Jakarta: Erlangga.

Marimpi, M., & Koning, P. (2018). Youth minimum wages and youth employment. IZA Journal of Labor Policy, 7(1), 1-18. doi:10.1186/s40173-018-0098-4

 Meer, J., & West, J. (2016). Effects of the minimum wage on employment dynamics. Journal of Human Resources, 51(2), 500-522. doi:10.3368/jhr.51.2.0414-6298R1

 Millán, J. M., Hessels, J., Thurik, R., & Aguado, R. (2013). Determinants of job satisfaction: A european comparison of self-employed and paid employees. Small Business Economics, 40(3), 651-670. doi:10.1007/s11187-011-9380-1

 Monitoring, S., & Unit, E. R. (2001). Wage and Employment Effects of Minimum Wage Policy in the Indonesian Urban Labour Market.

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