Focus and Scope

AL IBRAH is a peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to advancing scientific knowledge and innovation in Arabic language education. The journal welcomes submissions on Arabic language teaching, classroom innovations, and various applied linguistics subfields. Typically, submissions should range between 4,000 to 6,000 words, though submissions up to 7,000 words may be considered in exceptional cases. Research conducted at religious educational institutions is particularly valued, as it has greatly contributed to the understanding and enhancement of Arabic Language Education practices. The AL IBRAH Journal focuses on the following topics:

1. Arabic Education

2. Arabic Language Skills (al-Istima', al-Kalam, al-Qira'ah, al-Kitabah)

3. Arabic Literature

4. Arabic Teaching Metode

5. Arabic Grammar: Syntax (Nahwu), Morphology (Sarf)

6. Classical Arabic (fusha)

7. Lexicography (Maajim)

8. Prosody (Arudh)

9. Arabic for Young Learners

10. Arabic Language Instruction (Methods, Approaches, and Techniques)

11. Curriculum Design for Arabic Language Teaching

12. Technology and ICT Integration in Arabic Language Teaching

13. Islamic Education